Engage Bob for a successful event or conference : Complimentary articles for newsletters

Complimentary articles for your newsletters

A note from the author:

I have had quite a few businesses and associations ask for and use articles over the past 20 plus years.

I decided to make this series openly sharablle and available for your use.

I will be adding to them as I get a few moments from time to time. These cover a wide range of topics and word counts. I simply ask that you keep the copyright, contact information and webpage intact.

If you would take a moment to let me know where you've used the article, that would be appreciated.


Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. Bob is an award winning leader and speaker who travels the globe sharing his Ideas At Work! Visit www.ideaman.net

Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey

Please note: All Bob's articles may be copied or used for non-profit purposes, without the consent of the author, subject to the following being included: © Copyright 2024 Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey www.ideaman.net, www.BobHooey.training All rights Reserved. Used with permission of the author. And if you have room please add the following.

About Bob: Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey is a creative, productivity and leadership strategist who regularly writes for North American Consumer and Trade Journals, on-line magazines and company intranets. He works with Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies. He is the prolific author of multiple business and leadership books (several best sellers) and the 48th person in the history of Toastmasters International to earn their coveted professional level Accredited Speaker designation.

Articles for your use:

Article title Word count
12 Key Strategies for ‘Bringing Out the Best in People’ 994
8 Field-Proven Tips to Increasing Your Sales income 883
A creative approach to writing using a cartoonist’s concept 595
A 60 second time reminder      822
A Customer is important                                                409
A question of leadership? 776
Accountability - key to effective meetings 270
Are you taking advantage of all your opportunities to be happy? 435
At the call of the Chair… A few tips and techniques for effective meetings 976
Building a successful sales career or business 703
Change is a creative choice 755
Change is a conscious 'mental' choice 411
Communication is really a part of the ‘sales’  and management process 746
Confidence about Credibility 556
Creating Time to Sell, Lead or Manage! 1222
How to Handle the Idea Killers in Your Life! 1096
From ‘KAI-ZEN’ to ‘I CAN!’ 1910
How to avoid training mistakes 559
Five Successful Techniques for Generating Increased Sales 859
How would you choose to be remembered? 433
I dare you! 597
I hear and I forget. 221
Innovate or evaporate – The time to act is NOW! 1117
Leadership skills are changing; are yours? 599
Little hinges swing big doors 223
Master… who is my customer? 388
Mastery of the Message – Applying the 3 M’s of Success 1202
Mental Vitamins and brain exercises 368
Mistakes Made by New or Inexperienced Sales Staff 281
One percent better! 655
Where are you going? (Mission and Vision) 450
Planning your Public Relations - Strategic planning for the whole year – part one 375
Planning your Public Relations - Strategic planning for the whole year - part two 369
Prepare Yourself to Win! 623
Rules of Value-Added Selling and Service 725
Selling Tips 512
Seven Laws of Leadership 345
So now what? 295
Success Keys from Rubbermaid 479
Tell descriptive stories that engage our minds, create value, and help sell on more than one level 886
The Greatest Gift! 341
Keep working on it! 480
The Secret of The Seed!   355
The Seven 'Be-Attitudes' of Good Service 400
The Power of ONE! 349
We seek not to imitate the masters 1202
What do you wish for? 1026
What makes a champion? 275
What now? 553
Will this next be a year of continued and profitable growth for you and your team? 454
Would you buy from yourself? Conducting an image self-evaluation 386

Here are 51 to kick start your access. I have quite a few more on another page on this site that you can draw from as well. Follow this link to review. There are additional authors who have contributed, you can ask them about using their articles if you find one that would be of interest to your readership. You can also use any of Bob's articles on the main part of the IdeaMan site (some of these were drawn from there.)

Authorized photos of the author. These can be used with insertion if needed.

Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. He is committed to helping you and your teams move out of your comfort zone into the winner’s zone. Visit www.ideaman.net Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. Bob is the prolific author of 30 plus business, leadership and career success books and publications. Visit www.ideaman.net Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. He is committed to helping you and your teams move out of your comfort zone into the winner’s zone. Visit www.ideaman.net
Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. Bob is an award winning leader and speaker who travels the globe sharing his Ideas At Work! Visit www.ideaman.net Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. Bob believes life is an adventure to be embraced whose travels have taken him to 45 countries on 5 continents, so far. Visit www.ideaman.net Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. Bob is the prolific author of 30 plus business, leadership and career success books and publications. Visit www.ideaman.net
Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. He is committed to helping you and your teams move out of your comfort zone into the winner’s zone. Visit www.ideaman.net Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. Bob believes life is an adventure to be embraced whose travels have taken him to 45 countries on 5 continents, so far. Visit www.ideaman.net Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. Bob is an award winning leader and speaker who travels the globe sharing his Ideas At Work! Visit www.ideaman.net

For more information on how to engage Bob and his innovative Ideas At Work™!Call today: 1-888-848-8407 or info@bobhooey.com

Bob is a long-time leader and contributing member of the following organizations:

International Federation for Professional Speakers - Bob Hooey has been a member since its inception in 1997.
NSA-Arizona Chapter - Bob Hooey is a member of this amazing organization prior to CAPS being formed and is a member of the Arizona Chapter.

Follow us on:

Bob Hooey on Facebook Bob Hooey on LinkedIn Bob Hooey on YouTube Twitter: @ideamanhooey

Let me know if you are able to use some of these. I appreciate your comments. I'll be adding more as time permits.

Bob ' Idea Man' Hooey

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Canadian Motivational Keynote Speaker, Corporate Trainer and Inspirational Leadership Coach Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey (info@ideaman.net)
Creative Offices: (780) 736-0009

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